Why is President Obama welcoming illegals, releasing criminals
and releasing terrorists from Gitmo, knowing many will return to the
battlefield to kill Americans? Are new Democrat voters worth risking American
lives? If we capture terrorists, where will he or the next president send them
for interrogation? Worse, will President Obama send terrorists to American
prisons where they can recruit American prisoners into radical Islamic terror?
As events spin out of control, is Donald Trump the man who can
unite Americans and lead our country back to the principles we were founded on?
Mr. Trump has his detractors, but he is a strong leader, unafraid and unwilling
to be bullied into submission by media obsessed with political correctness.
After a president who has doubled our debt, gutted our military and put global
interests first, it would be nice to have a president who will put AMERICA
FIRST and AMERICANS FIRST! Because of Donald Trump's leadership, strength and
business acumen, he is the ONLY one who can and WILL put a stop to foreign
governments running rough shod over our country!
But if not he, than who? Surely NOT Hillary Clinton! She has
been shown to be incompetent at best, dishonest, dishonorable and worse. She
has deliberately jeopardized our national security for personal convenience and
in an attempt to keep her nefarious dealings hidden from public scrutiny. She
has been wrong on all foreign policy matters, and her role as Secretary of
State has helped to destablize the Middle East, causing chaos and destruction
around the world.
People ignorant of her real legacy want her to be POTUS because
they think it would be great to have a woman president, would be
"historic". This is the thinking that elected Barack Obama, and look
how that turned out! He still has his admirers, but no one can claim America or
the world is better off since he took office.
May we remember these words of President John Adams:
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from
Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."
May God open the eyes of Americans to see truth they have been
blind to. May God bless and restore our great nation.