Friday, February 12, 2016


I remember how thrilled everyone was in 2008 when we elected our First Black President. People were dancing and rejoicing in the streets! OK, not everyone. Some of us could see beneath the pomposity and grandiosity. Even arrogance when just after his election he stated "I won" to close down discussion. Now the Obama worshippers turn away from the subject of Obama, unwilling to admit out loud, or maybe even to themselves the damage he has caused to America and the world.

We see President Obama welcoming illegals and releasing criminals. New Democrat voters are apparently worth risking American lives. In attempt to fulfill his campaign promise to close Gitmo, President Obama is releasing terrorists, knowing many will return to the battlefield to kill Americans. Nevermind if we ever capture terrorists, where will he or the next president send them for interrogation? And worse, will he send some terrorists to American prisons to recruit American prisoners into radical Islam terror?

So many so-called intelligent people think they are informed but have NO IDEA what is going on in the world. To call them low-information voters would give them credit for more information than they actually possess, considering what they do know has been distorted by the far left media.

Shall I fault my friends for not caring enough to seek the truth, or the media for twisting and feeding them false information?  The real question is: Is there any way to reach them? Is there ANYONE they will listen to? I had thought that could be brilliant neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson. Or maybe CEO Carly Fiorina. Both outsiders who looked promising, but sad to say neither seems to have lasted the withering process. Speaking of someone outside the political specter, we have Donald Trump!  Can he be the man to "Make America Great Again" despite his crude and sometimes vulgar rhetoric? Or perhaps it can be Ted Cruz? Marco Rubio? Jeb Bush?

As events and our culture spin out of control, may God raise up someone who can unite ALL Americans and lead our country back to the principles we were founded on. I love America and always will, but so sad to see our country being fundamentally transformed into something unrecognizable, and half don't know or don't care.

May we remember these inspiring words..

America, still beautiful but slightly tinged, I pray for revival and spiritual awakening. May God bless and restore our great country!