Sunday, March 13, 2011


In the face of what appears to be a failed presidency, I have been wondering what drives Obama supporters to continue to support him? Minorities, élites and union bosses see him as one of them. But what of the rest of America watching the world in chaos and our country on the brink? What do they see that his critics do not see? Or what do they not see that his detractors do see?

The stock market is erratic. Unemployed and underemployed numbers show little or no encouraging signs. Our debt is $14.2 Trillion and growing daily. Our country is more divided and partisan than perhaps ever before in our history. The appeasement, apology, peace through weakness foreign policy is producing a world in turmoil. Legislators are fleeing, mobs are near rioting in state capitals, horrifying death threats are hurled with no thought of consequences.

What happened to the president who was going to heal all wounds, bring us all together? Speeches like this have alienated many, but his ardent fans can't get enough of it.
I am trying to grasp why his poll numbers are still in the mid to high 40 range, when it seems to me to be so obvious his inexperience, naiveté, poor judgment, incoherent leadership and radical ideology have led to disastrous results, both domestically and internationally. Have his devotees not noticed his brilliant smile, amazing Teleprompter-inspired oratory, and appeasement diplomacy have failed to produce tangible results he and they expected? Most in the mainstream media have been effective in labeling anyone who disagrees with Obama's policies as racists, bitter clingers, clinging to their guns and religion.

Bush haters were glorified and his policies were incessantly demonized. He was called a war criminal and worse for the Iraq war, Gitmo, and the Patriot Act, yet now that Obama has adopted these same policies the silence from the media is deafening as Obama continues the same hated programs. Glenn Beck regularly shows UNEDITED videos of Obama, his czars & George Soros in their own words, and the Left says Beck is a crazy lunatic, despite what we can see with our own eyes.

Promises have been broken now that President Obama has learned campaigning is easier than governing. Yet the idolizing Obama herd loves him still. I continue to ask .. why?