Does it drive media elites crazy that people they view as inferior to them can attract so many gullible know-nothings from middle-America? Can Chris Matthews fill a stadium with people clamoring to see him? Can Joe Klein sell out an arena in just a few hours? Probably not, so they mock those who can ..
Could Ed Schultz get 100 people to see him alone, without 400 Socialist/Communist/Marxist and Union organizations sponsoring his event? If this clip doesn't convince you jealousy is alive and well in the media, nothing ever will ..
Compare that with Glenn Beck's discussion prior to his Restoring Honor rally ..
or Sarah Palin, proud to be an American ..
How many would spend a day watching the hate-filled diatribes of Bill Maher, Joy Behar, Keith Olbermann, Al Sharpton or Janeane Garofalo? Do you wonder what motivates their ceaseless venom toward Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and anyone associated with the Teaparty? Could it be jealousy? Are they bitter and resentful as they watch their failing liberal ideology being rejected throughout the country? Or is it something else that drives their poisonous malice toward anyone who espouses old-fashioned, common sense, Conservative, middle-American values? Could it be outright, absolute terror that millions of Americans are LISTENING to Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin? Imagine their worst nightmare .. that Americans return to the principles laid down by our Founding Fathers .. that traditional values drive the voters to choose a Conservative, pro-Constitution candidate in 2012!
Think of that every time you hear analysis from the far Left media elite masquerading as impartial commentary. We all need to do our own research and decide before it's too late on which side we stand ..
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14 hours ago