Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Dick Morris makes this observation in his June 1 article published in The Hill: "Conservatives are so enraged at Obama’s socialism and radicalism that they are increasingly surprised to learn that he is incompetent as well."

Morris then goes on to ask "Who would have thought that this president, so anxious to lead us and so focused on his specific agenda and ideas, would turn out not to know what he is doing?"

However, many of us are not at all surprised. We were not fooled by a media so enamored with a young, attractive African-American with soaring oratory, they were willing to hide or gloss over his lack of executive experience, nonexistent record of accomplishments, absent paper trail and long history of relationships with radicals. Anyone who would dare question Obama's credentials, or lack thereof, was labeled a racist.

Now finally the question of Obama's competency can hardly be ignored, even by Liberal Democrats.

Even Maureen Dowd in her June 1 NYT column seems to feel President Obama has lost his magic.

Perhaps I'm being harsh. Could it be President Obama is not incompetent, but rather a proponent of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, which purpose is to bring about the demise of capitalism by overloading the system, largely by making more people desperate and dependent on the government?

Whether merely in over-his-head or driven by ideology, his speechifying is getting old and bordering on unappealing. The promise of "Hope and Change" now just feels like hollow words. "Plug the damn hole" doesn't remind us of the leadership qualities of our great, or even good, presidents.

Before the election Obama boasted that he would fundamentally transform America. He is doing just that. Transforming it into something our grandparents wouldn't recognize. Something I don't recognize.

Are Obama voters still fainting in the aisles and dancing in the streets? Or are they having a severe case of Buyer's Remorse?