Saturday, October 25, 2008


Are the same people who have been in an uproar about losing our rights because of FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, also known as the Patriot Act, the same people who are fine with Joe the Plumber being investigated for asking a question of Barack Obama?

We need to give rights to the terrorists who want to kill us, but anyone who asks a question of Barack Obama is subject to intense scrutiny and invasion of privacy. I don’t know of any innocent citizen whose privacy was invaded through the FISA act, but I do know Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, also known as “Joe the Plumber”, has been ridiculed, mocked, and every aspect of his life and business has been examined in the search for anything to use against him for the benefit of Barack Obama.

Sort of reminds me of what has been done to Sarah Palin.

Meanwhile, no exhaustive study has been done of Obama’s past, and many of his records remain undisclosed to date. When will Obama’s records be released? His record in the Illinois State Senate, where he voted “Present” over 100 times? His Columbia transcripts? His underperforming record at the Harvard Law Review? As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, “A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time.”

In “Dreams of my Father,” Obama wrote that while in high school getting stoned from 1975 to 1979, he was hanging out with and being groomed by an admitted member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Frank Marshall Davis. Obama talks about advice he received from “Frank and his old Black Power dashiki self” prior to leaving for Occidental College in 1979 when he was 18 years old. The following year at Occidental College he was careful to vet his friends. “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.”

I’m guessing Obama’s past will finally be examined in detail, probably some time between November 5 and never.

Meanwhile teams of investigators are searching through Alaska and Ohio to defame Palin and Wurzelbacher.

As reported Friday, October 24, 2008, By Randy Ludlow, The Columbus Dispatch
Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber, Investigators trying to determine whether access was illegal
“Public records requested by The Dispatch disclose that information on Wurzelbacher's driver's license or his sport-utility vehicle was pulled from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles database three times shortly after the debate.
Information on Wurzelbacher was accessed by accounts assigned to the office of Ohio Attorney General Nancy H. Rogers, the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency and the Toledo Police Department.
It has not been determined who checked on Wurzelbacher, or why. Direct access to driver's license and vehicle registration information from BMV computers is restricted to legitimate law enforcement and government business.
Paul Lindsay, Ohio spokesman for the McCain campaign, attempted to portray the inquiries as politically motivated. "It's outrageous to see how quickly Barack Obama's allies would abuse government power in an attempt to smear a private citizen who dared to ask a legitimate question," he said.”

Could there be a double standard? You be the judge..


When Bob Schieffer questioned both candidates at the last debate, I was waiting to hear the responses. McCain was quick to answer with specifics. Obama said he would go through the federal budget line by line, but refused to give one item he would cut. That would mean we have to look at what he has said in the past, which he seems to prefer we don't discover before November 4.

Now Barney Frank, Democratic chair of the House Financial Services Committee, is basically saying the same thing, as reported in By Steve Urbon, Standard-Times senior correspondent, October 24, 2008 6:00 AM

“In a meeting with the editorial board of The Standard-Times, Rep. Frank, D-Mass., also called for a 25 percent cut in military spending, saying the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay.”
"I was teasing (U.S. Rep.) Jack Murtha (a key supporter of military budgets) and I said to him, 'For the first time, somebody else has got a bill that's almost as big as yours.' We don't need all these fancy new weapons. I think there needs to be additional review."

In the history of the world, has peace through weakness ever brought about peace? I didn’t think so.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Is there still any reason to vote? The media has selected Barack Obama to be our next President. Who knows or cares who has donated to his campaign? How much foreign money? Will we ever know? Who cares about Obama’s past connections and poor judgment? Who cares about voter fraud? Does the Supreme Court? Will we be fooled by the media and Democratic spinmeisters into thinking it really is over? Will we let our country be taken over by the Far Left, or will we stand up and make our voices heard with our vote!

We’re hearing it will be a landslide victory for Obama. He is buying up air time, which he doesn’t really need to do because all the TV and print media are behind him, excluding Fox which is shunned by the Liberals because they dare to present both sides. The country will watch Obama’s half-hour infomercial on Fox before the World Series begins, but will we still know more about Joe the Plumber’s life than we know about Obama’s life.

Will we still know more about Sarah Palin’s baby than we know about Obama’s past relationships with nefarious characters? We have heard a lot and seem to have dismissed the hateful, bigoted words of Reverend Wright. The words Obama claims never to have heard in 20 years in his church! How much have we heard about Bill Ayers, the domestic terrorist Obama identified as just someone in his neighborhood? The same man whose tape we are just now hearing in which he calls himself an anarchist and Marxist in 2002. 2002! He and Obama were working together at that same time. Don’t you wonder why Ayers chose Obama to dole out millions of dollars in grant funds? Don’t you wonder why Obama distributed the funds to ACORN and other radical groups rather than directly to schools? Don't you wonder why Obama wrote a blurb for Ayers' book?

Does the country truly comprehend the impact if the entire government is controlled by the radical far left, not only Obama but also Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Harry Reid and their cohorts? Remind me again of the approval ratings of Pelosi’s incompetent Congress. Remind me why the mainstream media ignored the connection between Chris Dodd and Barney Frank to our current economic crisis, those same men who will continue to chair the Senate Banking Committee and House Financial Services Committee. The country is clamoring for change, but happy to have these same people who have driven our economy into the ground be the agents for change. UNBELIEVABLE!

Will free speech be dead after the Democrats are in complete control of the country and shut down Conservative talk radio with the so-called Fairness Doctrine?

Is it really over, or will enough of the American people stand up and fight for the country we love?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Do you notice Obama is busy disassociating himself from his cronies, Rev. Wright, Acorn, Bill Ayers, Father Fleigher now that the presidency is within his grasp? But will they resurface once he is anointed King of the World, oh sorry, I mean President?

Who will Obama select for his Cabinet?

Who will Obama appoint to the Supreme Court?

Will he be able to make a decision? Or just vote Present and hope someone else figures out what to do? Or take a position and change it the next day?

How will Obama govern, along with Liberals Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Charlie Rangel? Have ANY them EVER reached across the aisle and worked with Republicans? Can we expect them to now, especially with complete control of all branches of government?

Obama said in 2007 that Acorn and his community organizer friends will shape his presidential agenda.

“Community organizers” sounds benign, so perhaps we shouldn’t worry if they are involved in forming Obama’s agenda. Obama's political friend William Ayers, the unrepentant bomber, desires to remake the curriculum of public schools in order to turn students into radical socialists like himself. On September 27, 2007 Obama introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate called "Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act," which would implement Ayers' social-outcome beliefs. No problem, we can all start planning to home school our children.

Community organizers also intimidate banks into making high-risk loans to customers with poor credit. Too late, we already see where that has lead us.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Do the facts matter? Does anyone care about the truth? The media has selected Barack Obama to be our president, and that’s all we need to know. No matter what he does, says, or did in the past, it will be covered up by the media. They might allow one tiny mention, but quickly gloss over it. Anyone who criticizes or points out the truth will be labeled a racist.

We’re not allowed to mention Obama’s middle name. We’re not allowed to mention Rev. Wright. Ayers was just a “neighbor”. Obama didn’t know what Wright was saying for 20 years. He didn’t know what Ayers did in the past and what he said in 2001. We can't mention Obama's poor judgment in choosing mentors, pastors and business associates. We shouldn't notice his lack of executive experience or naivete in defense and foreign policy.

Although it has been reported that Obama paid ACORN, which has endorsed him for president, $800,000 to register new voters, Obama downplays his ties to ACORN, and his campaign denies coordinating with ACORN to register voters. The same ACORN that is being investigated for voter fraud in several states across the country.

Have you noticed Obama’s supporters follow him in a cultlike trance, with no clue about him, his accomplishments or his background? I have heard many people being interviewed who seem to barely have a third grade education. They have no idea who are the leaders of our country. They don't seem to know anything, but but they do know they are voting for Obama. When asked why, the answer is always "we need a change". It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of change. Good or bad.

Only a racist wouldn’t vote for Obama. He is the Messiah, the Savior, the Chosen One.

For some unknown and irrational reason, Obama seems to be benefiting from the economic crisis. In 2006 McCain warned about the trouble coming with Fannie and Freddie. See the article copied below and McCain letter published by Human Events on 10/10/08. It shows that McCain knew there was trouble with Fannie and Freddie and tried to take action to protect the American taxpayer. What did the Democrats do? Deny there was a problem.

“McCain Letter Demanded 2006 Action on Fannie and Freddie
by Human Events
“Sen. John McCain's 2006 demand for regulatory action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have prevented current financial crisis, as HUMAN EVENTS learned from the letter shown in full text below.McCain's letter -- signed by nineteen other senators -- said that it was "...vitally important that Congress take the necessary steps to ensure that [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac]...operate in a safe and sound manner.[and]..More importantly, Congress must ensure that the American taxpayer is protected in the event that either...should fail."Sen. Obama did not sign the letter, nor did any other Democrat.
See a copy of the letter below.”

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


What did you think of the debate? Was it one of the most boring ever? Was it really a Town Hall format? If so, why did Tom Brokaw completely control the questions that were asked? Do you wonder if any of the many thousands of questions Brokaw received and poured through from around the country included any questions about the Obama/Ayers relationship, or Obama’s relationships with Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko or Father Fleigher? Did you notice there were many questions about policy, which we’ve heard them discuss more times than we can count?

Were you hoping for a question that would reveal their character or judgment? I was!

Don’t you wonder why Ayers chose Obama to dole out millions of dollars in grant funds? Don’t you wonder why Obama distributed the funds to ACORN and other radical groups, rather than have the funds go directly to schools, improve test scores, school vouchers, or charter schools. All the media and Democrats complain that any mention of the acquaintance between neighbors Obama and Ayers is guilt by association, but this is much closer than just neighbors, AND THIS WAS LONG AFTER THE DAYS WHEN OBAMA WAS 8 YEARS OLD!

I think we need to learn more about Obama’s relationships before we elect him to be our President and Commander-in-Chief.

Obama’s Chicago connections include his chief financial supporter, Tony Rezko who helped him buy a house for $300,000 less than he otherwise would have had to pay. Rezko is now on his way to federal prison.

We have heard a lot and seem to have dismissed the hateful, bigoted words of Reverend Wright. The words Obama claims never to have heard in 20 years in his church!

How much have we heard about Obama’s “neighbor’ Bill Ayers?

Dick Morris notes in “The Obama-Ayers Connection” published in October 7, 2008:
“So let’s sum up Obama’s Chicago connections. His chief financial supporter was Tony Rezko, now on his way to federal prison. His spiritual adviser and mentor was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, of “God damn America” fame. And the guy who got him his only administrative job and put him in charge of doling out $50 million is William Ayers, a terrorist who was a domestic Osama bin Laden in his youth.
Even apart from the details of the Obama/Ayers connection, two key points emerge:
a) Obama lied and misled the American people in his description of his relationship with Ayers as casual and arm’s-length; and
b) Obama was consciously guided by Ayers’s radical philosophy, rooted in the teachings of leftist Saul Alinksy, in his distribution of CAC grant funds.
Since Obama is asking us to let him direct education spending by the federal government and wants us to trust his veracity, these are difficulties he will have to explain in order to get the votes to win.”

You might be disgusted and horrified to read how the Weathermen affected the life of John Murtagh, copied below. Ayers remains unrepentant, only sorry he “didn’t do more”.
John M. Murtagh
Fire in the Night
The Weathermen tried to kill my family.
30 April 2008
During the April 16 debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, moderator George Stephanopoulos brought up “a gentleman named William Ayers,” who “was part of the Weather Underground in the 1970s. They bombed the Pentagon, the Capitol, and other buildings. He’s never apologized for that.” Stephanopoulos then asked Obama to explain his relationship with Ayers. Obama’s answer: “The notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense, George.” Obama was indeed only eight in early 1970. I was only nine then, the year Ayers’s Weathermen tried to murder me.
In February 1970, my father, a New York State Supreme Court justice, was presiding over the trial of the so-called “Panther 21,” members of the Black Panther Party indicted in a plot to bomb New York landmarks and department stores. Early on the morning of February 21, as my family slept, three gasoline-filled firebombs exploded at our home on the northern tip of Manhattan, two at the front door and the third tucked neatly under the gas tank of the family car. (Today, of course, we’d call that a car bomb.) A neighbor heard the first two blasts and, with the remains of a snowman I had built a few days earlier, managed to douse the flames beneath the car. That was an act whose courage I fully appreciated only as an adult, an act that doubtless saved multiple lives that night.
I still recall, as though it were a dream, thinking that someone was lifting and dropping my bed as the explosions jolted me awake, and I remember my mother’s pulling me from the tangle of sheets and running to the kitchen where my father stood. Through the large windows overlooking the yard, all we could see was the bright glow of flames below. We didn’t leave our burning house for fear of who might be waiting outside. The same night, bombs were thrown at a police car in Manhattan and two military recruiting stations in Brooklyn. Sunlight, the next morning, revealed three sentences of blood-red graffiti on our sidewalk: FREE THE PANTHER 21; THE VIET CONG HAVE WON; KILL THE PIGS.
For the next 18 months, I went to school in an unmarked police car. My mother, a schoolteacher, had plainclothes detectives waiting in the faculty lounge all day. My brother saved a few bucks because he didn’t have to rent a limo for the senior prom: the NYPD did the driving. We all made the best of the odd new life that had been thrust upon us, but for years, the sound of a fire truck’s siren made my stomach knot and my heart race. In many ways, the enormity of the attempt to kill my entire family didn’t fully hit me until years later, when, a father myself, I was tucking my own nine-year-old John Murtagh into bed.
Though no one was ever caught or tried for the attempt on my family’s life, there was never any doubt who was behind it. Only a few weeks after the attack, the New York contingent of the Weathermen blew themselves up making more bombs in a Greenwich Village townhouse. The same cell had bombed my house, writes Ron Jacobs in The Way the Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. And in late November that year, a letter to the Associated Press signed by Bernardine Dohrn, Ayers’s wife, promised more bombings.
As the association between Obama and Ayers came to light, it would have helped the senator a little if his friend had at least shown some remorse. But listen to Ayers interviewed in the New York Times on September 11, 2001, of all days: “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Translation: “We meant to kill that judge and his family, not just damage the porch.” When asked by the Times if he would do it all again, Ayers responded: “I don’t want to discount the possibility.”
Though never a supporter of Obama, I admired him for a time for his ability to engage our imaginations, and especially for his ability to inspire the young once again to embrace the political system. Yet his myopia in the last few months has cast a new light on his “politics of change.” Nobody should hold the junior senator from Illinois responsible for his friends’ and supporters’ violent terrorist acts. But it is fair to hold him responsible for a startling lack of judgment in his choice of mentors, associates, and friends, and for showing a callous disregard for the lives they damaged and the hatred they have demonstrated for this country. It is fair, too, to ask what those choices say about Obama’s own beliefs, his philosophy, and the direction he would take our nation.
At the conclusion of his 2001 Times interview, Ayers said of his upbringing and subsequent radicalization: “I was a child of privilege and I woke up to a world on fire.”
Funny thing, Bill: one night, so did I.
John M. Murtagh is a practicing attorney, an adjunct professor of public policy at the Fordham University College of Liberal Studies, and a member of the city council in Yonkers, New York, where he resides with his wife and two sons.”

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Is this what the framers intended?

As Sarah Palin questioned, will we one day ask: Do you remember when we used to be a free country?

Do you remember the days before political correctness stifled free speech and we would have been able to call our enemies radical Islamic terrorists?

Do you remember the days before Hollywood movies and MTV glorified violence and spewed filth in the name of “art”?

Do you remember the days before journalism died?

Do you remember the days when the voters could elect whomever they chose without being called “racists” because they didn’t vote for an unqualified African American?

We are evolving into an “anything goes” culture. The Left seems to believe there are no moral absolutes. If it feels good do it. Marriage is no longer identified as between one man and one woman. It’s acceptable to kill our unborn children in the name of women’s rights.

Voter fraud may well go unpunished and may well give the presidency to Barack Obama, especially if ACORN has its way.

I fear the radical far left will soon be running all branches of our Government, with no checks and balances.

Al Franken, Democratic candidate for US Senator from Minnesota, mentioned we should probably take “In God We Trust” off our coins and “Under God” out of the pledge. He laughingly said he didn’t really care.

An untested, inexperienced, junior senator may soon be elected President. A man whose foreign policy appears to be based on peace through weakness, with appeasement replacing strength.

Is it too late? I hope not ..

Friday, October 3, 2008


WOW! What a great night! Palin was genuine, self-confident and plain-spoken. She was upbeat and projected energy and passion. She demonstrated her leadership, executive experience and results. Biden appeared knowledgeable, but plodding and boring. The more the evening progressed, the faster Biden talked and the more panicky he looked to me. He was expecting this to be a cakewalk. He was looking forward to debating a moron, and all of a sudden he realized she had taken control of the debate. She spoke about limited government, lower taxes, cutting spending, energy independence, and national and economy security. She said of his intentions on Iraq, "Your plan is a white flag of surrender." She reminded Biden that he himself said that he'd be privileged to run on a ticket with John McCain.

Palin noted that McCain was instrumental in bringing together Democrats and Republicans to pass the bailout bill in the Senate. She took a shot at Obama for campaigning during the crisis, saying McCain “put politics aside and put America first”.

Biden, continued to deny that Obama had ever pledged to meet with Iran’s Ahmadinejad without preconditions. “This is simply not true about Barack Obama,”, pointing out that Ahmadinejad “does not control the security apparatus” in Iran. However, in a Democratic debate on July 23, 2007, Obama was asked whether he would be “willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?” Obama answered, “I would.”

Palin sharply criticized Obama for saying last year that U.S. troops in Afghanistan are "just air raiding villages and killing civilians." Why do we never hear this quote in the mainstream media? Could it be because Obama’s troop-bashing comment is unacceptable from the Commander in Chief of our country.

I was delighted to hear Palin’s response when Biden once again attempted to tie McCain to Bush. “Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again pointing backward. Now, doggone it, let's look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future.'' Folksy talk, but appealing to those of us who are sick of hearing about the past and want to hear where the candidates want to take us in the future.

It is worth nothing that Gwen Ifill was a complete professional. I was concerned because she has written a book favoring Obama, but whatever her personal feelings or bias, it was not on display. I wish that were true of the rest of the media who generally act like prosecutors and vultures rather than journalists.

The media and Democrats of course will tell us that Biden won the debate, with ample contempt and derision of Palin. I can’t wait to see Saturday Night Live find a way to ridicule Palin.

It was clear Palin was happy and energized to have the opportunity to speak directly to the American people without going through the hostile filter of the media. When Governor Sarah Palin speaks directly to the American people, she hits it out of the park!


If you didn’t see the video of Bill O’Reilly’s interview with Barney Frank regarding Frank’s roll in the economic meltdown, don’t miss it here.

First note Barney Frank’s comments in July 2008:

Now here we have O’Reilly at his best, or worst, depending on your perspective!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I can’t understand how the polls are showing that Obama is benefiting from the economic meltdown. I seem to have been in the minority when I declared McCain the winner of the first debate, not counting aol and drudgereport polls.

I don’t pretend to understand the bailout/rescue package, it’s way “above my paygrade”. Every expert has a different opinion, but I do understand McCain brought the Republicans to the table and they were then able to bring about some changes to make it a much better bill. Not perfect, but better. Now McCain and Obama are arriving on the scene to work on it in the Senate, and it will remain to be seen what happens from here.

I am struck that Democrats, and even some Republicans, are horrified at the thought of Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency, but no problem with Nancy Pelosi being two heartbeats away. That ought to put fear through your heart! Can you imagine if we elect Obama/Biden, and the Democrats retain leadership in the House and Senate. I fear for our country. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Charlie Rangel are prime examples of leadership gone amuck! I’m not including Barack Obama because he has never been a leader of anything, unless you count his days at ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) as a lawyer and trainer.

Ken Blackwell writes September 29, 2008 in NRO, nationalreviewonline:
An ACORN Falls from the Tree
A congressional outrage.

“ACORN has often been in the news since 2004. Officially, they work to register voters and support housing. In reality, everyone in public life knows that they are hardcore supporters for the Democratic Party, and employ bare-knuckle tactics. Their organization is plagued by repeated investigations of voter fraud and other crimes.”

“In Ohio, where as secretary of state I oversaw elections for eight years, ACORN has been busy. One ACORN man in Reynoldsburg was indicted on two felony counts of voter fraud, and another was indicted in Columbus. Other such problems surfaced in Cuyahoga County, where criminal investigations are ongoing.”

“It’s not just Ohio. ACORN personnel are facing criminal charges in over a dozen states. In Washington State, for example, seven ACORN leaders had felony charges filed against them for voter fraud.”

“What deserves closer scrutiny is Barack Obama’s history with ACORN. Obama cites Saul Alinsky, a self-acknowledged radical who advocated extreme acts to achieve social goals, as one of his inspirations. ACORN follows the Saul Alinsky model. After Obama graduated from Harvard, he went to work for ACORN in Chicago. Mr. Obama then became a trainer for ACORN, teaching others how to employ ACORN tactics in voter registration drives.”

Then we learned in the Washington Times today that Pelosi paid her husband $99,000 from PAC funds for rent, utilities and accounting.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has directed nearly $100,000 from her political action committee to her husband's real estate and investment firm over the past decade, a practice of paying a spouse with political donations that she supported banning last year."

“Financial Leasing Services Inc. (FLS), owned by Paul F. Pelosi, has received $99,000 in rent, utilities and accounting fees from the speaker's "PAC to the Future" over the PAC's nine-year history.”

How can it be that these people will lead our country?