Saturday, March 15, 2014


I'm not an expert on anything. I'm just an ordinary American who's lived long enough to know something is wrong. Very wrong..  It doesn't feel like the America I grew up in. OK, I'll admit. I never paid attention to what was going on in the world. I just lived a nice life, trusted my government and loved my country. 

I worked in a large company with people of all colors. Two black women in my department were several levels above me. I never gave the slightest thought to what color they were. I admired their work ethic and respected their authority.

Now at every turn I see what seems to be America coming apart. Blacks pitted against whites, and vice versa. Liberals against Conservatives, and vice versa. Even divisions within the major parties.

Society has broken down to the point that anything goes. No moral judgments, no right and wrong, if it feels good do it mentality. Beyoncé, once a role model for young girls, now produces borderline porn, and why? She is just one example of a culture gone beyond the bounds of decency. Abhorrent Hip Hop lyrics are marketed to teens, and violent video games are commonplace with all ages. I'm not sure if they are leading the way or just reflecting the breakdown of society. (I suspect they're leading the way.) Every day we hear of young girls and boys displaying a lack of respect for themselves, their parents and authority.

Ugly accusations and rhetoric abounds. It appears to anyone with eyes to see that our government is out of control, yet any criticism automatically brings howls of racism. The media, once a necessary watchdog, turns a blind eye to incompetence or intentional wrongdoing, and even worse, assists in covering up what it chooses not to see.

Remember the words of John F. Kennedy: "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Imagine those words today when half the country wants their handouts, who cares about the country. So sad how far we've fallen..

Cool trumps character. We elected a president because he was "cool". I wonder if George Washington was considered cool?

When we vote in November, how will we judge candidates for office? Will they just have to be cool, camera friendly and promise handouts?  Or is it time to get back to character, integrity, experience and good old-fashioned American values? I fear time is running out.  If we want to remain a strong, sovereign nation, the time to turn back is NOW!